Nostalgia-Lovers Past

There is always that one who gets away,the one you cannot help longing for,cannot stop yourself from yearning for,and if you stop you start again,it just never stops,the fire is still; there not blazing but glowing warm enough for the nostalgic times.

There is always that one who you woke up in the middle of the night with their name on your lips and in the morning with a smile on your face for,the one who without your days were unending.

There is the one who could excite you even in their stupidiy even in their shallowest acts you found something to celebrate,that one who you gladly made excuses for,the one you forgave even before they realised their mistake,the one you made every effort to sell to all the Thomases.

There will always be that one who didnt have to touch you physically to give you that tingly sensation but under whose touch you melted,practically to jelly.

There is always that one who you know is umatched and who will never come close to anything/anyone in your future.they were simply the best you ever had.

Then there are always those who you know you were the best they ever and will ever have..



NP#Maroon 5 – Until you are over me